Healthy Foods

Choosing Plant-Based: Why Not Your Mum, Not Your Milk?


When it comes to eating healthy and caring for our bodies, it’s common to hear the phrase “you are what you eat.” But have you ever stopped to think about where your food comes from – specifically, your dairy products?

The truth is, many of us have grown up drinking milk and consuming dairy products without really questioning its origins. However, with research indicating potential health concerns associated with dairy consumption and the ethical concerns of animal welfare, it may be time to consider the benefits of going plant-based instead.

Not your mum, not your milk – it’s a catchy phrase that advocates for plant-based alternatives to dairy products. But what exactly does it mean? Simply put, it’s a reminder that cow’s milk is intended for infant cows, not humans, and that there are plenty of delicious and nutritious plant-based options available.

In fact, many plant-based milk alternatives – such as almond, soy, and oat milk – are fortified with calcium, vitamin D, and other essential nutrients, making them just as healthy as traditional cow’s milk. Plus, they’re typically lower in calories and fat, making them a smart choice for those watching their weight.

Aside from the potential health benefits, choosing plant-based options also eliminates ethical concerns surrounding the treatment of dairy cows and their calves. While the dairy industry may paint a picture of happy cows grazing in fields, the reality is often a far cry from this idyllic image.

Not your mum not your milk – this phrase reminds us that cow’s milk is not meant for humans to drink but for baby cows. By choosing plant-based milk alternatives, we can avoid the potential health risks of dairy and support animal welfare. Plus, these options are packed with many essential nutrients making them healthy and tasty for us too!

Ultimately, the choice to go plant-based is a personal one, but it’s worth considering the benefits of including more plant-based alternatives in your diet.