
Become an Expert: Meeting IMS Certification Requirements


As businesses continue to expand globally, it is important to ensure that the products and services they offer meets international standards. One way to accomplish this is by obtaining IMS certification.

IMS stands for Integrated Management System, which combines several recognized management standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001. This certification ensures that companies meet the requirements for quality management, environmental management, and occupational health and safety.

To obtain IMS certification, a company needs to provide evidence of its compliance with the requirements, which are audited by an accredited certification body. It is important to note that certification is not a one-time achievement. The IMS certification requirements need to be upheld and continuously improved upon.

One way that a company can comply with the IMS certification requirements is by ensuring that its processes and procedures are documented and available for all employees. This can be done through a quality management system, which lays out the steps for each process and how they fit together to meet the company’s objectives.

Another important factor in meeting IMS certification requirements is the establishment of measurable performance indicators. These indicators will help the company to monitor its performance and identify areas for improvement. By doing so, companies can ensure that they meet the expectations of their customers, employees, and the environment.

IMS certification requirements ensure that companies operate with the highest standards of quality, environmental management, and occupational health and safety. Achieving certification is an ongoing process that requires commitment and continuous improvement. The establishment of a quality management system and the use of performance indicators can help companies meet these requirements and become experts in their industry.