
Septic Tank Full? Don’t Panic! Here’s What To Do.


If you have a septic tank, it’s important to know what to do when it’s full.

Filling up your septic tank can cause all sorts of problems, from backups in your home to wastewater spilling onto your property. This article will discuss three things you should do if your septic tank is full.

First, call a professional septic service to pump out the tank. While septic tanks are designed to last for decades, they occasionally need to be pumped out. If you’re not sure how often your septic tank needs pumping, ask a septic service professional when they arrive on-site or check the owner’s manual that came with your septic system.

Next, try to identify what caused the septic tank to fill up in the first place. This can help you prevent future septic tank problems. Common causes of backups include excessive laundry or dishwashing, using a garbage disposal, blocking the septic tank outlet pipe with tree roots, and installing a septic system too close to a wellhead.

Finally, please take steps to correct the problem and prevent it from happening again. This can be as simple as reducing your septic tank usage or more involved, like replacing a septic system component like a septic pump, septic filter, or septage grinder. If you need to replace any septic system components yourself, make sure they’re compatible with your septic tank and the local septic codes.

Septic tanks are a necessary evil in life. When they work properly, they’re out of sight and mind. But when they start to back up, it can be an emergency.