
The Cost Of Scoreboard For Tennis


Scoreboards are an essential part of every tennis match. As the scoreboard for tennis cost can vary, it’s necessary to know how much you’re willing to spend before contacting scoreboard companies.

What should I know about this?

Whether you’re looking for a scoreboard that is cheap or expensive, there are many options available. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular scoreboard types and their pricing!

If you’re looking for something more than just scorekeeping capabilities on your scoreboard, then be prepared to shell out extra cash as well! Other features like LED side panels may also range in price depending on what exactly it is that you need. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular scoreboard types and their pricing!

– Scoreboards – $180-$250 each (we offer discounts on bulk orders)
– Indoor Boards – about 55 inches wide priced from around 90 dollars up to 120 per board with basic functionality.
– Outdoor Boards – these scoreboard options are either LED or LCD and range in price from around $160 to upwards of $350.
– End Panel Scoreboards – this scoreboard option is excellent for indoor facilities that want a scoreboard on the end panel but don’t have the budget for an entire side panel scoreboard. They run about 55 inches wide and can be found at prices ranging from just under 200 dollars up to over 400!

We hope this information has been helpful to you.