
Why Buy British Produced Food?


British Produced Food is one of the fastest-growing markets in the UK today. People are focussing more on what they eat and where it has come from. They want to know that their food is safe, natural, and nutritious, produced with care for people and animals alike.

The British Produce industry is changing in response to this demand. The days when buying locally was only about getting fresher produce or saving money at farmers’ markets are long gone; now, there’s a strong sense of community that brings together producers (farmers), retailers (in farm shops), and consumers (local people). There are many benefits to buying British produce.

Some of the main benefits are:

*Buy fresh, healthy food – nutritional value is retained for longer when it is kept chilled from field to fork. Fresh produce does not travel very far, so there is less pollution caused by transport – good for the environment and your family’s health! Nearly all British Produced Food is locally produced.

*Help support rural communities and small businesses; they provide a real social benefit in terms of jobs and general community spirit in some cases. Most of our producers are small-scale, independent farms or businesses who make only one type of good (e.g., sausages) and work with raw ingredients such as vegetables and meat, which you can buy in bulk at wholesale prices.

*Take part in the “buy local” movement; there are many reasons why it is good for us to buy locally but mainly because producers can supply fresh produce more regularly than supermarket chains who only stock their shelves with what they know will sell.