Health care

The ECG App For Apple Watch: Everything You Need To Know


The ECG app for Apple Watch is one of the most anticipated features of the watchOS 5.0 update. This app allows users to take an electrocardiogram (ECG) reading on their wrist and send the results to their doctor.

What should I know about this?

The ECG app utilizes Apple’s revolutionary heart rate sensor technology to take detailed readings of your heart rhythm in just seconds. It can help you identify signs of atrial fibrillation, which increases your risk of stroke and other serious health problems. It can also help you monitor changes in your heart rhythm over time and communicate more efficiently with your doctor about potential issues.

If you are interested in using the ECG app on your Apple Watch, you should know a few things. First, this feature is only available on the latest models of the Apple Watch – Series 4 or later. Additionally, the feature requires an active subscription to the Apple Health app, which includes an annual fee of $9.99.

We hope this information has been useful to you.