
Stroke Rehabilitation: How To Get Back On Your Feet After A Stroke


A stroke can be a devastating event. It can leave a person unable to walk, speak, or even take care of themselves. However, stroke rehabilitation is possible, and most people who undergo stroke rehabilitation therapy recover most if not all of their abilities.

What should I know about this?

Rehabilitation begins as soon as possible after a stroke. It often starts in the hospital, where a stroke patient can work with physical therapists to regain muscle strength and coordination. Stroke patients are also encouraged to move around even if they cannot walk on their own; this helps maintain blood flow and improve mental health at a difficult time. When stroke survivors begin stroke rehabilitation therapy, they may start by simply learning how to sit up without help or stand for just a few seconds at a time. However, these abilities will return quickly through rehabiliation therapy!

We hope this information has been useful to you.