
No Equipment Workouts: How To Get Fit Without Weights Or Machines


So you want to get fit, but don’t have any weights or machines? Or maybe you’re traveling and don’t have access to a gym. No problem! There is plenty of no-equipment workouts that you can do to get in shape.

What should I know about this?

Here is a few no equipment workout that you can do to get fit:
– Squats: Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and lower yourself down as if you were going to sit in a chair. Keep your back straight and make sure your knees don’t go past your toes. Stand back up and repeat.
– Pushups: Start in a plank position with your hands on the ground shoulder-width apart. Lower yourself down until your chest touches the ground and then push back up. If this is too difficult, you can start on your knees.
– Lunges: Start with one leg forward and one leg back, making sure both legs are bent at a 90-degree angle.
We hope this information has been useful to you.