
Making Makerspaces Matter: Informational Article


Makerspaces are a place where makers can come together and make things. They offer activities like 3D printing, woodworking, metalworking, sewing machines, and more! With makerspaces in schools across the country, we must inform people about what they’re missing out on. Below you will find three points to get you started with your research:

1) Makerspaces provide makers with an inclusive environment to collaborate, experiment and develop their skills essential for innovation.
2) Makerspace activities have been shown to increase student engagement by up to 20%.
3) Maker spaces are good for kids because they help them learn vital life skills that will set them up for success in the future.

In a makerspace, students have access to various tools and materials to experiment with projects in a risk-free environment. Makerspaces nurture creativity by encouraging makers to think outside the box and develop skills through hands-on learning experiences. They improve student engagement, but they can also teach students soft skills like communication, collaboration, and teamwork.