
Learning by Doing: Real-Life Examples of Hands-On Lessons


When you learn by experiencing it, it’s called experiential learning. It’s like learning how to swim – you can’t just read about it in a book. You have to get in the water and try it for yourself. Here are some real-life examples of experiential learning:

1. Science Investigations: When students perform science experiments in the classroom, they learn how scientific theories work in real-life. By doing so, they can explore different reactions and gain a better understanding of the concepts they are learning.

2. Outdoor Education: Students undertake bush walks, camping, hiking, or field trips. By immersing themselves in nature, they learn about geography, culture, flora, fauna, and much more. It strengthens their sense of place and community.

3. Service Learning: This type of learning lets students engage with the community in meaningful ways. For instance, they can work in a local soup kitchen or assist in a school tutor program. It’s a way to make learning feel impactful and relevant.

4. Role-Playing: This learning method helps students try different roles and perspectives. For instance, they can role-play a historical figure or pretend to be part of a business team. It’s a fun way to learn how to communicate and work in a team setting.

Experiential learning examples help students develop complex problem-solving skills, lead to better retention, and result in heightened empathy. Therefore, hands-on learning is an essential part of education.