
Hikvision ANPR Camera: The Future Of Traffic Management


If you’re involved in traffic management, you know that the Hikvision ANPR Camera is a game changer. This camera can read license plates up to 100 meters away, making it the perfect choice for busy intersections and parking lots. The camera can also work in all weather conditions, making it a reliable option for any traffic management system.

What should I know about this?

This camera is incredibly accurate, with a read rate of 98%. You can rely on the ANPR Camera to accurately and efficiently capture license plates. The camera also has a wide field of view, so you can be sure that all vehicles in your intersection or parking lot are being captured.

How will this help my traffic management system?

This Camera will help your traffic management system by capturing license plates accurately and efficiently. With this information, you’ll be able to track vehicles and monitor traffic flow more effectively. You’ll also be able to identify potential problem areas and adjust your system accordingly.

We hope this information has been useful to you.