Web Design

Getting The Right Visual Feedback For Your Web Design


Visual feedback web design. It’s no secret that web design is all about visual feedback. When a user lands on your website, you want to give them the best possible experience and ensure that they stick around for a while. One way to do this is by providing visual feedback whenever possible.

The first way to provide visual feedback is through hover states. When a user hovers their mouse over an element on your website, you can change the appearance of that element to give them a visual cue that it is clickable. This is an effective way to let users know what they can interact with on your site.

Another way is through active states. When a user clicks on an element, you can change the appearance of that element to give them visual feedback that their action has been registered. This is a great way to let users know that they are interacting with your site, and it can also help guide their attention to the next thing they need to do.

Finally, you can use visual feedback to indicate when an element is in focus. This is especially important for forms, where users need to fill out multiple fields. By indicating which field is in focus, you can help guide the user through the form and prevent them from getting lost.

These techniques are great ways to add visual feedback to your web design. Visual feedback can make your site more user-friendly and help guide users through their journey.