
Yoga Alliance Certification: What You Can Do With It


When you become yoga alliance certified, you join a community of yoga professionals worldwide who have met a certain standard of excellence. But what can you do with your certification? Here are three things that come to mind immediately:

Teach yoga classes

If your passion is to share yoga with others and help people experience the transformational power of the practice, then teaching yoga classes is likely your primary goal. Once you have your certification, you can start training at yoga studios, gyms, retreat centers, and more.

Open a yoga studio

Of course, if you want to teach yoga classes, you don’t necessarily need to be certified by Yoga Alliance. However, many studio owners prefer to hire certified teachers because it shows that they have met a certain level of training and expertise. If opening your yoga studio is something you’ve been dreaming about, then getting your certification is a significant first step.

Lead yoga teacher training

In addition to teaching regular yoga classes, you could also lead yoga teacher training. This is a great way to share your knowledge with others and help them begin their own yoga journey.

These are just a few of the many things you can do with your yoga alliance certification. So, if you’re considering getting certified, go for it! It’s an investment that will no doubt pay off in the long run. Thanks for reading! Namaste.