Animals & Pets

Hemp Straw Bedding For Horses


Hemp straw bedding is a great option for horses with respiratory conditions. The material is highly absorbent, and it composts easily. It’s also non-acidic, so it’s great for spreading out. While it’s not certified organic, hemp does not contain chemicals or pesticides that might contaminate your compost bin. You’ll need to regularly choose new straws to replace old ones. It’s also not recommended for use on top of other types of animal bedding.

Hemp is grown naturally, and without pesticides and chemicals, so it is environmentally friendly. It also repels pests, making it a superior choice for bedding. You won’t have to worry about fighting insect infestations with it, either. Despite being a great option for bedding material, you’ll need to make sure you know how to choose the right hemp straw for your pet. The best place to start is your local farm. Hemp is an eco-friendly choice.