
How to improve the environment of your manufacturing business with employees in mind


It is important that you keep your workforce happy when they come to your business premises to work for you, so you should be glad to keep them safe and look out for their well-being while they are there. After all, it is very beneficial for your business for you to do so.

Deal with pests

In keeping your premises as clean and tidy as you possibly can, you will undoubtedly be cutting down the number of pests that you could have visiting your unit. However, is it still more than likely that some will manage to make their way in, especially of the smaller variety. If you find that you have an infestation, it is far better to get the expert pest control companies to come and sort the issue out rather than looking to save costs and try to tackle the problem yourself.

It is not very pleasant for your employees to have to work in an environment that is quite literally crawling with insects, let alone to be bitten by them. There are all kinds of diseases that can be caught from insect bites, and then there are those people who are allergic to certain types of biting insects.

Unfortunately, most warehouses do suffer from cardboard fleas and cardboard mites, as you would think from their name, live in cardboard. One of the easiest ways of protecting your workforce against cardboard fleas or mites is to use a baler and get your cardboard bound tightly together. In doing so, you will be cutting off the air and the light, as well as the access to a host that the fleas and mites need to survive. When using a baler, it is important that you make sure that you have the correct items, such as baler wire for your baler. By going to a business that stocks a large range, such as you will be able to wrap your cardboard quickly and tightly.

Install a canteen

It is highly beneficial from the point of not only having a happy workforce but also from a production point of view to be able to offer your employees freshly cooked foods at lunchtime. Offering your employees the chance of having a substantial meal that will promote energy will get your workforce working far better into the afternoon rather than at a sluggish pace after an unsubstantial lunch of sandwiches or whatever they could grab on their way into work. You should be aware of the famous saying, an army marches on its stomach, and your workforce works on theirs.

If you offer these meals at a subsidized rate, you will find the uptake quite surprising. If you are worried about food waste, then the best thing you can do is offer the food on a preorder only basis. This means that the food will be cooked to order rather than cooked on a mass catering size, limiting food waste, especially if you limit each day to two or three different recipes.

Ieva Ofer
the authorIeva Ofer