Contact Lenses

Everything You Need To Know About Sclera Contacts


Do you want to change the look of your eyes? Are you interested in trying sclera contacts blue? If so, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will see all you need to know about these special contacts.

Sclera contacts are special contact lenses that cover the entire eye, including the white (sclera) portion. They are often used to change the color of your eyes or create a dramatic effect. They come in different colors and styles, so you can find something that fits your desired look.

Putting sclera contacts in isn’t as difficult as it may seem. First, make sure your hands are clean and dry before handling them. You will need to use saline solution or eye drops to moisten them, so they don’t stick to your fingers when putting them in. Once moistened, gently place one lens on each eye and adjust until it is comfortable and centered correctly.

One of the most important things to remember when wearing sclera contacts is to practice good hygiene. It’s essential to always keep them clean and avoid using water or saliva to moisten the contacts, as this can lead to potential eye infections. Be sure to replace your lenses on a regular basis, as they are not designed for long-term wear and can begin to break down over time.

Finally, make sure you consult with an optician before attempting to put in or take out sclera contacts. They are more specialized than other lenses and require extra care, so it’s important that you get proper guidance from a professional when handling these types of contact lenses. With the proper instructions and precautions, you should be able enjoy your new look safely and comfortably.

Sclera contact lenses can help you achieve a unique and eye-catching look, but they must be handled with caution. It is important to follow all the manufacturer’s directions when putting them in and taking them out, as well as cleaning and storing them properly. Additionally, it is recommended that you do not keep the contacts on for long periods of time or share them with others to avoid potential eye infections. With proper care and guidance from an optician, your sclera contact lenses should provide a safe and enjoyable experience.