
5 Benefits of Medical Cost Sharing


If it were up to you, I am sure that medical covers would never be on your expense list. Unfortunately, people fall sick from time to time. Most people result in medical insurance covers, which serve only as preparation but are not cost-effective.

What if I told you there is a way to meet your vast medical bills in a pocket-friendly manner. This post seeks to enlighten medical cost-sharing and explain to you on how best to go about it.

What is medical cost sharing?

Medical cost sharing is different from health insurance.  The main difference is that medical sharing is a non-profit charitable organization that collects funds from its members. When a member falls sick, they can ask for help to meet their medical expenses, hence medical cost sharing. Unlike health insurance covers, medical sharing doesn’t operate with a contract that guarantees payments. Also, they are not obliged by any requirements whatsoever to receive patients with preexisting conditions.

Medical cost sharing lacks the specificity that is evident in health insurance such that it does not outline that which is covered from that which is not. Also, it is not rigid on the specific payment and what is covered by the amount. Medical cost sharing allows you to relax and yet be able to meet your medical bills under minimal financial pressure.

What are the advantages of medical cost sharing?

One can negotiate lower costs.

Unbelievable, right! You can negotiate a lower cost and even pay in cash. I’m dropping my insurance cover for this. Spending money for your medical bills can secure a certain amount of discount in your favor.

Zero limitations

As a medical cost sharing ministry member, you are not restricted to only one health provider. You are free to choose any health care provider network. Did I hear a sigh of relief from you?  We can finally breathe from the rigid health insurance system.

Telemedical services

Most medical-sharing ministries allow patients to communicate to the doctors directly via phone calls or videos regarding their symptoms. The medical practitioner prescribes medication or gives direction on how to go about the condition. It saves on time as well as the cost of fuel.

Perfect for patients with low income

Patients with low income are the most favored by medical cost sharing; it costs approximately 30% to 50 % lower than health insurance. It helps boost the overall saving of a low-income earner.


Unlike health insurance, medical cost sharing is flexible. You can negotiate medical bills, especially when you are paying with cash. In most cases, low-income earners are catered for health insurance; average earners are left hanging, which causes them to pay dearly for healthcare services without their employers caring to consider them.

To wrap up

The insight above has shown the importance of securing a medical cost sharing cover. With the understanding above, you can rest assured to save more than an individual who prefers a health insurance cover.

Ieva Ofer
the authorIeva Ofer