
3 Reasons Every Library Needs A Makerspace


Makerspace activities for libraries. Makerspaces have become incredibly popular in the past few years for a good reason. They offer a space for people to come together and create new things. They can be used for various purposes, including learning new skills, collaborating on projects, and networking with other makers.

Libraries are the perfect place for makerspaces because they offer access to information and resources that people need to be successful. This article will discuss three reasons why every library should have a makerspace!

Makerspaces provide a space for people to come together and create new things.

They can be used for various purposes, including learning new skills, collaborating on projects, and networking with other makers.

Libraries offer access to information and resources that people need to be successful in makerspaces.

By having a makerspace in the library, people of all ages and backgrounds can come together to create, learn, and share.